Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

It was coo, a few days ago we just decided to tgo to this members house and it just so happened that he just finished calling like 6 people to try to give his baby a blessing so we were able to do that. then we went to read with mary white and her baby was sick, so we gave the baby a blessing and the mom said that just before that, her baby we couching since 5 a.m. and she was just about to bring her to the hospital. but then we randomly showed up (an appointment that she forgot about haha) and gave the kid a blessing. right after the blessing she stopped coughin. she texted us later in the day and said, "she still isnt couching" so we replied "thats great! blessing work".
so its been a tough week but we're pulling through it. with the member discussions... we do five names from each auxilary that they give us, part member, less active, or active members, just to give us people to teach. then if those people want off the list they need to refer us to others haha so ya the wards arent doing very well on getting us those names so we just set it up ourselves, for now.

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